Twenty Twenty-Four

Hey all has anyone set this up on Twenty Twenty-Four. yet?

Hi @ShannaKae,

Welcome to the community :slight_smile:

You should be able to use Cwicly alongside the Twenty Twenty-Four theme.
Please ensure you have the Remove WordPress Global Styles option untoggled from the Cwicly settings, to make sure the theme’s global styles appear as expected.

If you do encounter any trouble, or have any questions, please feel free to ask.

Thank you.

Oh, so maybe this is my issue, I have been struggling with finding where to set up the global widths etc… I have that toggled on and the remove wrapper toggled on. Would you mind providing me with the most basic settings to get me started utilizing both the native features of FSE Theme and your product? I went in and made several changes before i tested things out which i am sure was a mistake. I also mentioned this on the other thread about why cant i get full width… Thanks so much.

Thank you for getting back to me, @ShannaKae!

You shouldn’t have to tweak anything in the Settings, as new installations have the necessary settings toggled on.

Although it seems you managed to sort out the full width issue, are you looking for a particular setting?

Thank you in advance.