Transition duration

Hi @yoyoann,

Welcome to the community! :slight_smile:

Thank you for your kind words and appreciation for Cwicly.
We are thrilled to hear that you have discovered a tool that empowers you with complete freedom, without the need to code, which is the ultimate goal.

We deeply value the support and assistance provided by our community.
Their contributions and willingness to share have been instrumental in making this project a success.
We are grateful for their involvement. :heart_hands:

Sorry to hear you have come across an issue with the transition duration.
Thank you @StrangeTech for helping out!

Indeed, before, transition durations formatted with a comma were valid, but were unintentionally removed with the addition of the free text input.

So I can confirm this is a bug.
We’ll be sure to have a fix for this as soon as possible.

Apologies for the inconvenience.