[Themer] List View of Templates and Parts

Hi there community,

Although previewing templates in the Themer can be helpful, personally, I’d prefer to have a list view of all template and template-parts to quickly find what I’m looking for.

When looking for a template, since most of what I’m interested in is the name of the template, seeing all previews distracts me and makes it difficult for me to find the template I want to edit. Also, in many cases, templates will look empty because their content is dynamic and not visible in the preview.

This request is to add a toggle to the Themer to allow viewing the templates and template-parts as a list:

  • The selection should be persistent and opening the Themer the next time should display the templates in accordance with the previous selection.
  • Ideally, when list view is selected, no rendering happens, saving unnecessary queries that form part of the template.
  • Additional points for having the ability to sort the list by name, date created, and date modified.

Anyone else find this useful?

A far from great mockup below.


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Oh yes please, this thumbnail view is indeed very awkward, since the most important, the template name, is so small compared to the rest. I always strive to find the right one when browsing the grid.

I also agree that most of the time the rendered thumbnails don’t help and I’d love to see them gone :wink:

I am not able to replicate this on my end… until I found how every single preview actually looks damn awful. In the of the cloud library too, it makes you think if thumbnails even worth it if they are going to give such a bad impression.