Template Conditions based on Post ID


I found this screenshot in another thread here by @yankiara where they are setting conditions to a specific page named “Centre…”

But I can’t seem to get this to work on my end, I just get “All” or a custom taxonomy.

What am I doing wrong?


Normally you just need to start typing the name of the page in the text box. It will appear and you can select it. You can select multiple pages.

weird, I can’t seem to do that.

Can you do that for both custom templates and native WP ones?

Just to be clear, this is for template conditions in the Cwicly Themer. I get a placeholder of “Start typing to search…” when selecting a condition of singular pages:

I then start typing to find the page(s) I need:

I am able to do this for any template. Which version of Cwicly are you running?

This is what I see


running Version

Cwicly ThemeVersion: 1.0.3

Hi @grantambrose,

Sorry to hear you’re experiencing trouble with assigning a template to a specific page.
Thank you, @nadim for helping out!

Indeed this is strange.

It seems the condition type is not properly saving/updating on your end.
This is evident by the continued presence of the “In…” placeholder instead of the expected “Start typing to search…” placeholder when you have selected Pages.
It suggests that you are still inadvertently selecting the Posts type.

Would you mind attempting to set the type to Pages, refreshing the Cwicly Themer, and then checking if you can successfully assign a template to a specific page?

Additionally, do any errors appear in your browser console log?

Thank you in advance.

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Thank you Araminta, I thought maybe I was missing something haha.

Now that I know it should be there, I’ll start troublshooting.

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