Taxonomy terms issue on main CPT archive page

Cwicly Plugin version: 1.3.1


It seems there’s an issue with Taxonomy terms block on main CPT archive page: CPT slug is rendered instead of post terms.

On front page or taxonomy page of the same CPT , it is working, though…

CPT archive page (inherit query from URL):

CPT taxonomy page (same template):

Front page (custom query):

NOTE: Same issue when setting taxonomy in include list or not:

NOTE 2: It is working with the corresponding PHP snippet:

BUMP please :pray:

By the way, can anyone confirm or is it just me?

Hi @yankiara,

Sorry for the lack of reactivity on this.

Unfortunately I haven’t been able to reproduce this error on my end.

To investigate further, I have set up a demo instance.
Please log in with this, and see the CPT archive template and page.

Feel free to modify anything, to see if the error is reproducible.

Thank you in advance.

Thank you @Araminta,

I got it now!!!

After a l lot of useless tests on your install, I could reproduce the issue simply by nesting the taxonomy terms block inside a reusable :wink:

Tested on my dev site, when converting my reusable to normal blocks, it is OK.

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I would add that there’s no issue when nesting Taxonomy terms block inside a COMPONENT.

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Thanks for finding this out, @yankiara!

We’ll have to take a closer look at this, as the issue might be linked to the fact the reusable is loaded outside of the loop.

Thank you for your understanding.

Moving to confirmed.