Taxonomy Terms Block can't find Terms


On a Single Post Page of a CPT I use the Taxonomy Terms Block to display the Terms of one specific Taxonomy. Even though I selected a post for the preview that has a term selected for this taxonomy I get the message “Taxonomy Terms content not found”. When I view the same Post in the frontend the Term shows up as expected.

Hi @Jonas,

Sorry to hear you’re experiencing trouble with this.

Unfortunately, I haven’t been able to reproduce this error on my end.

To investigate this further, I have set up a demo instance.
Please log in with this, and see the Single Item: Movie template.

Feel free to play around with this, to see if the error is reproducible.

Thank you in advance.

Hi @Araminta,

this issue solved itself. I don’t know what happened. I tried reloading, regenerating and everything but nothing worked. Now I checked again and it works as intended. So everything is fine!

Thanks :slight_smile:

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Thank you for confirming this, @Jonas!
Glad to hear it resolved itself :slight_smile:

If you do happen to experience trouble with this, please don’t hesitate to let us know by replying to this thread.

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