Tailwind improvements

Hi, thanks for your efforts, although I am currently a Bricks user, the Tailwind integration opened my eyes and I decided to buy a license and try it out. I have a small community based on Tailwind and Bricks, but I have decided to expand it to cwicly as well. In the community I have a Design Blocks section that I am fixing to be compatible with bricks as much as possible. On the one hand, I would need to know when the query containers issue will be resolved. With the blocks, to not depend on external sources, I use SVG icons with inline code, but when I copy them it transforms them into empty Divs, it is a bug, is this so? It can improve? Also in the headings with Bricks I sometimes insert span as separate elements so that I can handle it independently when applying styles, could this be? I give a simple example:

text one text accent

and in the structure I preserve all the elements

Thank you, at the beginning of March I will do a Spanish meetup about cwicly and the integration with Tailwind

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