Switching breakpoints is working strangely

Hello @Mykyta,

I’m sorry to see you’re experiencing this trouble.
I unfortunately missed this bug report.

Can you tell me if helps fix this issue?

Thanks in advance.




I was having a similar issue with breakpoints in cwicly and updating to unfortunately did not fix the issue (see screen recording). Tested this using Safari and Chromium on macOS Ventura 13.2

This bug also makes it more cumbersome to adjust styling for the lg breakpoint (max-width 1024px) because any changes I make in cwicly while on the lg breakpoint are not reflected in the cwicly editor – regardless of whether I apply Tailwind or regular styling. That means I have to switch back and forth between the cwicly editor and the published site (with the inspector turned on) to be able to adjust styles visually. Not a huge dealbreaker, but it’s definitely slower than editing everything inside cwicly directly.

Checked on one project, looks like the problem is fixed. I’ll have another look at the other projects.

I have the same issue. I thought that the 1024px breakpoint ( LG max width 1024 ) doesn’t respond to any changes until I read this bug report. Then I just checked on front end and I can see the changes. Nothing happens visually inside the editor. It’s very strange. In templates parts, everything is normal. The issue occurs only when editing pages.