SVGs no longer show in backend after

Cwicly image blocks aren’t displaying SVGs in the backend after the latest update. Both post and site editor.

If I add an SVG to a core image block, everything shows up normally.


Thanks so much for your report!

I have been able to reproduce this if the uploaded SVG does not have any size specifications. Can you apply a height to the image to see if it does appear on the backend?

This issue has been added to our bug tracker.

Best regards,

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I’m not sure if setting a height is the cause. I have SVGs with a height & width set by a global class that don’t show up.

Even if I set the height & width on the block, it still shows up as a blank image:

CleanShot 2023-09-17 at 10.46.04@2x


Thanks for the info.
We have reproduced this. A fix is planned for the next update.

Best regards,

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Just letting you know that this has been resolved for me in Thanks!


Thanks for letting us know!
Moving to fixed.

Best regards,

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