SVG block crashes with minimal and sanitized SVG square

Hi team,

I drew a simple square with Affinity Designer, exported it to SVG and sanitized it with SVGOMG.

When copy-pasting it into the Cwicly SVG block, the blocks crashes.

SVG code:

<svg xmlns="" xml:space="preserve" style="fill-rule:evenodd;clip-rule:evenodd;stroke-linejoin:round;stroke-miterlimit:2" viewBox="0 0 417 417"><path d="M0 0h416.667v416.667H0z" style="fill:#666"/></svg>

After some tests, I ended up with this code accepted by the block:

<svg xmlns="" xml:space="preserve" viewBox="0 0 417 417"><path d="M0 0h416.667v416.667H0z" style="fill:#666"/></svg>

So it seems that the style attribute of the svg tag crashes the SVG block:


I even tried with style="" and it crashes as well.

So it looks like the block doesn’t accept a style attribute inside the svg tag.

Hello @yankiara,

Thanks for the report.
I can confirm there is an issue with the style attribute in the SVG block.

We have a fix for this in the next update.


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Hello @yankiara,

This should be addressed in 1.4.1.
If you still encounter trouble, I’d appreciate it if you could let me know by replying to this thread.


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