Splide error when using the slider as navigation

I’m getting this error in the console when using two sliders and link them as navigation:

Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading ‘getAt’) at splide.min.js?ver=

Looks to be related to pagination, but haven’t managed to make it disappear, no matter what settings I use for that.

Hi @alex,

Sorry to hear you’re experiencing trouble with this.

Unfortunately, I haven’t been able to reproduce this error on my end.

To investigate further, I have set up a demo instance.
Please log in with this and see the Slider test page.

Feel free to modify anything, to see if the error is reproducible.

Thank you in advance.

Hi @Araminta ,
See now on that page. Managed to reproduce it using a similar setup. (using repeaters as source, but not sure if that’s the only difference)

Hello @alex,

Thanks for setting that up.

I can confirm that there is a bug depending on which synced slider you apply the navigation property to.
This will be fixed in the next update.


Hello @alex,

This should be addressed in
Please don’t hesitate to let us know if you still experience trouble.
