Size of thumbnails in gallery

I have two galleries on a page, one is dynamic (ACF). The thumbnails are scaled to 300 Pixel. How to use the real size of Wordpress generated files?

For example:
I upload a file named “conservatory.jpg” with a original size of 1920x1280 px - Wordpress generates 5 different sizes of that picture. Ok so far. How can I tell the gallery to use the version “conservatory-300x200.jpg” for the thumbnails and link to the full version of the file via Lightbox? Right now all pictures are loaded in the full version and scaled down to 300 px. Makes a site very slow, doesn’t it?

Hi @Mario,

Indeed, this is something we’ve been meaning to fix as it is quite an important issue.
I’ll get onto this right away and hopefully we’ll have this done by tomorrow along with the other bugs that have come up.

Thanks for bringing it up.

@Louis - take a break, have a cool wine or beer. You have done a very good job so far - respect! I tested Cwicly for the first time in November 2021. I must say that since then you have solved many things very nicely. I confess that I wouldn’t use Cwicly on a client site yet. But the potential is there. Write good code, have the user in mind and don’t let crazy special requests drive you crazy :wink:


What holds you back from using it for a client?

The answer is simple - I usually deal with people who can barely manage to write a Word document.

Many are not skilled in using computers, even on their cell phones they only know the most necessary functions.

Below an example, how I deal with inexperienced users.

… and the result at front:

Can you elaborate, since this is possible with Cwicly as well? Maybe I am missing your point.
You actually can move (almost) everything to ACF, even the ACF options page is supported yet, as far as I am aware.
Clients don’t need to touch FSE at all in case you create and manage everything through dedicated post types / options page.

You even have the option your clients dont have to deal with HTML tags like <p> or </ br>.

I think, in the future, there even might be options to change the design of blocks through ACF options, such as background, font-size, border-radius, or anything else you can imagine.
Maybe via dynamic global classes. But that’s just speculation.

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Hi Marius, my example was not meant to give the reason why I would not use Cwicly for client sites yet. It was just to show how I currently deal with inexperienced users.

It’s the little things, like the image sizes of the gallery previews or the HTML editing of headings, paragraphs.

I would be happy to take a look at the websites you have already implemented for your clients using Cwicly. How do you handle inexperienced users?

I am with you here! Future is bright! But for now I have to deal with it as it is.

Really? Great, can you show me, how?

What are you missing?
In case you think there could be improvements, the best thing you can do, is to share your suggestions here.

Are you aware of how to edit the content of the heading/paragraph block in Cwicly?

I give them everything they need via ACF. So there isn’t even the possibility they break something.
In case it’s all about editing content (really kind of flexible, using repeaters in some cases) and not to add new content or change styling, this will be the best bet.
Pretty sure there will be improvements how to handle it with Cwicly in the future.

Well, you could use either the WYSIWYG editor, which comes with the most flexibility:

or for simpler fields, where only a linebreak is required, use the “New Lines” option:

No, I wasn’t, great! That is awesome.

I will get into it.

Thank you for your help.

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Wow, it’s incredible - you did an excellent implementation. I like it!