Several issues with the image/svg manager

  1. I have been experiencing issues with images/svg for a long time – they can randomly disappear in the Cwicly editor after deleting any single image, even though all of them remain in the media manager. I have to completely reassign each image individually in the Cwicly editor to restore them, and sometimes even reassigning the images doesn’t resolve the issue.

  2. Additionally, all images may disappear or fail to update to a new instance if a new image with the same name as an existing one is added to the image folder. Even deleting the old instance beforehand doesn’t help when uploading the new version with the same name, so I have to give each new instance a different name to avoid breaking everything.

Please watch the video to understand how to reproduce these issues. Unfortunately, the second issue is not shown in the video, as some errors don’t always appear.

Environment info

  • Fresh install through Local
  • Chrome: latest version
  • WordPress version: 6.6.2
  • Cwicly version: 1.4.4
  • Local version: 9.1.0+6719

Hi @creer,

We have had great success using the Enable Media Replace plugin:

Using that we have never had any of the issues you shared and it is usually quicker to simply update rather than delete and re-upload, so you may find it useful.

One related point for anyone seeing the old image when replacing it - this is caused by the browser cache - you can simply clear your cache either for the specific image or for the site and this will display the updated image.

Hi @StrangeTech !
Thank you very much, very useful plugin

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Unfortunately clearing the cache doesn’t help and I continue to encounter disappearing images from time to time. I don’t know if anyone else is having this trouble or if the problem is more related to localwp and I should reinstall it.

I have tried to replicate this following your steps and it doesn’t happen for me.

Perhaps there are other factors influencing this.

Did you use Local WP for testing? This might be happening because of Local. I tested the issue on a fresh installation. I’ll try downloading WordPress Studio and testing it there.

@creer I have never encountered this image issue before myself. And I use a load of SVG’s. There is something in your workflow possibly causing the issue. How are you producing these SVG’s? Illustrator? Check the code of the SVG. Styling should be inline, this is important. If you are replacing the same image with another in the media library, always change the file name or you will have issues because of caching and the like. To avoid it I always apply a version number to my images.

Provide us screen shots of your configuration in Cwicly. Screenshots go a long way.

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I tried to reproduce this error in Wordpress Studio and luckily I couldn’t.

Should I add a note in the post title that this is not a bug?

Hello @hopscotch

I recently started using wordpress and didn’t know about these nuances with image replacement. I used to paste svg as images, but this error not only affects svg but all other images as well. Fortunately in Wordpress Studio this error is not observed

Changed to General :+1:

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