Now that global typography is overridable, it will be much quicker to override font-weight when the values are selectable in a drop-down and autocomplete.
I am creating this as a feature request because working with Cwicly on a daily basis, our team is finding this to be a significant slow down in productivity, so for us this is a priority issue.
Ideally all of the known common CSS values will appear in drop-down: 100, 200, 300, 400. 500, 600, 700, 800, 900, normal, bold, lighter, bolder, etc
A very nice addition can be to also have other alias values like medium for 500, semibold for 600, etc. This will greatly improve the user experience for non-technical users who don’t know which numeric value light is equivalent to (for example) and will also help developers more quickly match fonts with designers who annotate their style guides with these aliases rather than numeric weights.
Yes, understood. I know you have added all of the standard keywords, which is great. My request is for aliases for medium, semibold, etc which, while they are not directly part of the CSS spec are implicitly understood and map to the numeric values, e.g. 500, 600. For some non-technical clients and for anyone learning css, this will just make the dropdown a lot more user friendly.