Search Block

I want to submit this feature request. It’s a search block. Not the search feature within the query template block, but it is an independent search block that works for post content, ACF, and any other post types. I noticed there is no native search block in Cwicly. It would be good to have one.

Please upvote if you need this too.

Would love for Cwicly or another system to realize the importance of search and discovery by integrating Algolia in stead - so we could use that SPEED from Algolia with Cwiclys facets, filters and other stuff. If we have ACF - we should have Algolia or some other similar search-possiblity.

Filtering/searching without speed-of-thought-speed does not really scream pro website - instant filtering is a usability-must-have - visitors will get what they need in less time and probably watch more items, articles and so on.

Setting up Algolia | WordPress | Algolia

Create an Advanced Search Box in WordPress - Meta Box

How To Add Algolia To Your WordPress Search - Isotropic

But then again - AI is changing the game - the lovely Kadence is already on it.

Just not another plugin to install when we have :revolving_hearts: Cwicly :revolving_hearts:

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It would be good to have one

I agree on Algolia and by indexing sites outside of WordPress this way we could have static cwicly.

at least it would be great to have a solution via the Cwicly Library, and a documentation how to properly set that up (including search modal covering the whole page, input configuration allowing to have and or or logic, a result template for the user to navigate from where she wants to), so it gives results for meta description, title, text in content of pages, post types, cpts, acf etc.). I had hoped that that would be part of the navigator, but it is not. With none FSE themes (as I have used before) there had been always a good solution with a theme