Scroll animation broken when you use a Slider block on the page

I just notice a bug that when you use the Slider Block, the triggering point of scrolling animation such as Fade Up Small will be broken. For example if I have a section that has a Slider block, then all of my other sections below it, the scroll animation will be funky. (Like you have to scroll very down for the animation to run)

Environment info

  • WordPress version: Latest version
  • Cwicly Plugin version: Latest version

Hi @lukelee,

Sorry to hear you’re experiencing trouble with this.

Unfortunately I haven’t been able to reproduce this error on my end.

Could you possibly provide a frontend link to your page? (please don’t hesitate to send it through PM or to

Thank you in advance.

Hi @Araminta

I’ve ended up coding my own animation as I don’t know why the animations was all bugged out on my site from Cwicly, after a certain section. So I guess I will pass this along until next time I meet again.

Thanks for jumping into this.

I can confirm this behaviour. I didn’t pinpoint it to using a Slider at the time, as the website had to be released, so we simply removed the animations for the first version.

I was going to raise a bug report myself but hadn’t had a chance yet.

Additional information - it seems as though the further down the page you scroll after this issue is present, the longer the delay in the scroll animation triggering.

@StrangeTech good to know that I’m not alone!

Yea I wasn’t sure if it’s the slider block that triggers this bug, but this was the only site I have the animation issue with Cwicly.

This site I have WooCommerce with, and a decent amount of Query blocks in slider mode, and 2+ slider block.

Not sure if this is helpful.

Hello there,

I’m sorry you’ve experienced this issue, as well as @StrangeTech.

If you have a moment, please let me know what I’m missing exactly: Slider Animations

Thanks in advance.


I messaged you with a representative example demonstrating the issue. Let me know if you need anything else.

@Louis I also messaged you with the page that is now causing the bug when you scroll down to the certain section. I also provide you the admin login for you to investigate.

We checked and confirmed this still is happening with Cwicly

@Louis, we are starting development on multiple very animation focused websites in the next few weeks, and we need to ensure that animations are timed correctly when the elements are scrolled to.

When you have a moment to take a look at this we will really appreciate it as it will make a big difference.