RS Combinators issue

The only Relative Styling combinator that seems to work for me, is the Descendant one - beside the default Same Set one.
Child and Siblings won’t. They all have the output Same Set on frontend.

That happens inside the template editor. Not tested somewhere else.
Everything is up to date.

Not sure what is wrong on your setup.

Second div, h1 →

Edit: in this example, you have three combinators used at once → sibling, child and comma

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Thanks for the feedback @Louis.
I’m not sure what’s happening, it might be user error though.
Tested quite a few things and can’t achieve the desired outcome.

Can you confirm that, when using the before rules and the last rule (within the before rules) is a sibling or a child combinator with Type: Empty, it’s working as intended?

@Marius, Just letting you know, with the latest version of Cwicly, we recently used direct child combinators in the after rules of multiple relative styles and they appear to be working correctly for us.

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Thanks for your feedback as well @StrangeTech.

It appears that it has something to do when using the “empty” type.
I have no issues with siblings and child selectors in general, except in this specific case.
Nothing specific to the “before rules”, but can’t see where one should use the “empty” type inside an “after rule”, other than with the “same set” default combinator.

That’s my conclusion after a lot of testing in various scenarios.

Hey @Louis.

Hope that makes it more clear:

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Hello @Marius,

Many thanks for the detailed screenshots and looking into this on your side.

I can confirm an issue with the empty tag when a combinator is attached.
Apologies for the inconvenience.

We’ll have a fix for this in the next update.


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Hello @Marius,

Once again thank you for your time on this report.

The empty type should now properly apply combinators if set in

If you still encounter issues with this, I’d be grateful if you could let me know by replying to this thread.


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Thanks a lot @Louis.
It’s working now as intended :tada: