Role Editor – how to deactivate Nav, Swatch and Popover for Editors?

Hi there, I was wondering where I find the option to deactivate the cwicly blocks Nav, swatch and popover. I want no cwicly block being available for editors and I unchecked all items in the role editor, but I can’t find the options for the mentioned ones.
From my admin view all editor blocks unchecked:

Here’s the shot of the blocks for the editor role.

Would be happy to get some guidance. Thanks

Hello @mannilito,

Sorry for the inconvenience here.
Those blocks have not made it to the Role Editor, but will be present in the next update, allowing you to deactivate them properly.

Moving to bugs.


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Finally, I could also say thank you, @Louis . I am a big fan of your response times.

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Hello @mannilito,

Thanks for the kind words and your patience on this one.
This should be fixed in

Please don’t hesitate if you need anything else.
