Reload content from scratch on click

Dear admin

I use your Demo tab in conjunction with Sticky for tabs. In the video you can see that every time I click on another tab the content is not displayed as expected. Is there a way so that every time I activate another tab the content for that tab will be reloaded from the beginning?

Link video : How to reload content

Thank you !

Hello @NHViet,

If I understand correctly you want the view to scroll back to the top of the Tab Content?

If so, wrap your Tab List bock in a Div and link the Div with # + id of the Contents block.

Dear admin

It worked. But it lost the title (the beginning of the content is about 50 pixels). Is there any way to make it display like the original?

Thank you !

Hello @NHViet,

You’ll want to add this snippet to the contents block:

.blockclass {
  scroll-margin-top: 5rem;

Dear Louis

Everything works fine. It is very difficult to do this on other gutenberg blocks. Thank you and Cwicly team.

Close topic. Thank you !

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