Relevanssi Search Query Excerpts

I’d like to be able to display the excerpt that’s generated by Relevanssi in a Cwicly post search query where Relevanssi is installed. Programmatically this would be generated using the relevanssi_the_excerpt() function. Ideally, there would be a dynamic option to use Relevanssi for dynamic population of an excerpt, if available on the site, and it would work with frontend rendering. :star_struck:

Frustratingly enough, the Cwicly query does in fact return the Relevanssi search excerpt in the query results:

But unfortunately, that variable isn’t used by the Cwicly dynamic inserter. It uses its own excerpt instead:

This seems like an easy fix. Could we get this addressed?

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Hello @avunu,

Will look into this.

Don’t hesitate to bump this again next week (if you can) if I haven’t added this to the next beta.

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Thanks so much @Louis!

Hey @avunu.

This has been fixed:

A quick feedback, when you have a moment, would be great.

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Unfortunately, we’re not quite there yet. I’m corresponding with @Louis directly about the specifics. In the meantime, if you’re getting paragraphs echod on the top of your pages containing Cwicly queries after the latest Cwicly update, you should just disable Relevanssi on your site until a fix is released.