Relative Styling - Icon Controls don't apply

Hey there, I wanted to apply Icon-Styles via relative styling. My selector looks like the following:

.blockclass > div > div > svg{}

However, for some reason the values of the icon-controls doesn’t get reflected in the CSS Styles in the inspector.

I do can style the icon via the “sizing” panel and apply it a specific width and height, but I can’t apply any color to it and the size in the icon control also doesn’t get picked up:

Screenshot of my applied styles (note: I’ve also set a color via Typography (red) and a width and height via “styling”: 55px)
Bildschirm­foto 2022-12-27 um 13.36.59

And that’s how it looks on the frontend:
Bildschirm­foto 2022-12-27 um 13.38.14

As you can see, those styles in the first screenshot don’t make it to the final stylesheet.
Hope it’s clear what I mean, otherwise feel free to ask me for further information! :wink:


Hi there @Wolfgang,

Sorry for not getting back to this issue sooner.

The Icon Styling is specifically made for Cwicly icons, and removes the need to add a specific SVG rule.
So, if you’re trying to style the icon(s) inside .blockclass > div > div, then this should do the trick:

Hey Louis,

no worries. Don’t expect a fast answer over the holidays to be honest! :wink:

That makes sense. Tested it and it worked fine, thanks for your response!


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:slight_smile: Thanks for letting me know @Wolfgang.

If there’s anything else you need, please don’t hesitate.


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Hey Louis,

there are a few things I recognized while digging into cwicly. I’m currently writing a list with all things I am facing. I’m gonna create a bug/features request when I think I’m experienced enough with the plugin and when I’ve searched the forums if there already exists something similar.

Do you want me to create each of those list items (if they’re not related to each other) in a seperate post, or do you wish to have the whole list in one post?


Hi there @Wolfgang,

I really appreciate you taking the time to write the shortcomings/issues you might have faced while using Cwicly.
A separate post for each might be best as it helps you and me keep track of things.

If there is anything I can help with along the way, please don’t hesitate.
