Quick Editor Behavior Issues

I am on the latest release and using Mobile base breakpoint (mobile first)

There are a couple of issue related to the Quick Editor - that I am not sure are related to my base breakpoint or something else. But here are the issues I have noticed so far.

  1. Clicking on the different breakpoints does not shift the preview to screen to the corresponding view.
  2. Manually adding CSS rules to the breakpoints not only does not get captured - but the existing CSS rules for that breakpoint are removed

Step-by-step reproduction instructions:

Please write the steps needed to reproduce the bug.

  1. Set base breakpoint to mobile
  2. Add Cwicly block
  3. Set CSS rule for higher breakpoint
  4. Access Quick Editor - modify breakpoint that has existing rule and add an additional one (all rules are deleted)
  5. Access Quick Editor - modify breakpoint that does not have existing rule and add a new one (new rule does not get retained)
  6. Click on breakpoint comment (editor window does not respond)

Screenshots, screen recording, code snippet

Environment info

  • WordPress version: 6.4
  • Cwicly Plugin version: Version

Hi @bmc38119,

Thank you for taking the time to report this!

We are aware of this, and have confirmed it is a bug.
Rest assured, this will be addressed as soon as possible.

Unfortunately, I haven’t been able to reproduce this issue on my end.

To investigate further, I have set up a demo instance.
Please log in with this.

Could you possibly create a screencast demonstrating the error on the demo?
This would help us to accurately reproduce the error on our end.

Thank you in advance.

@Araminta Please close this bug report. I have not been able to replicate since reporting and I think this was handled by the most recent update. Thank you for all your help!

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Thank you for getting back to me on this, @bmc38119!

For the time being I’ll move this to Fixed Bugs as the first issue was fixed with

If you happen to encounter the second issue again, please don’t hesitate to let us know by replying to this thread.

Thank you!