Query post content

Hey there.

Is there a way to query the actual post content?
Currently, I’m using a code block inside my loop to do so:

<?php the_content();?>

Just wondering if there is a native, in-built way.

Aside from using a post content block, the easiest ways are to use the native functions :+1:.

The only difference is performance and whether your content has shortcodes and/or you want it to be filtered or not.

If the content is simple, we don’t use a code block for this, we use a return function inside of the dynamic inserter and call:


Screenshot 2024-09-27 at 17.59.04

If you have shortcodes or want the content to be filtered, the way you are doing it is the best option.

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Thanks for adding valuable context to this @StrangeTech.
I would like this option to be available natively at some point.

Some improvements are on the way, which I’m very excited about.

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