Query infinite scroll and the show condition doesn't work


When I set the query to be frontend render, and use infinite scroll setting, the show condition does not work.

My set up is that I put a paragraph at the bottom of the query, says ‘loading…’. Once I reach to the very bottom of the query, the ‘loading…’ text still exist, even when I set it to have a show condition, only when Query ‘Has next page’ is ‘true’.

Environment info

  • WordPress version: 6.4.2
  • Cwicly Plugin version: latest

Hi @lukelee,

Sorry to hear you’re experiencing trouble with this.

Unfortunately, I am unable to reproduce this issue on my end.

To investigate further, could you possibly provide a temporary access?

If this is possible, for security and privacy reasons, kindly send the details using our paste website, by sharing the link generated through email to support@cwicly.com.

Please follow these steps:

  • Visit our designated paste website: https://paste.cwicly.com/
  • Input your installation details into the provided text field.
  • After entering the information, the website will generate a unique link for your submission.
  • Share this generated link with us through email.

Thank you in advance.

It’s ok, it’s probably a bug where I copied the query from one page to another. I will try to recreate the query and see if the condition will work after that and let you know.

Thanks for jumping into this!

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Thank you for getting back to me on this, @lukelee!

If you do encounter this issue again, please don’t hesitate to let me know by replying to this thread.

I’ll leave this in checking for the time being.

Thank you for your understanding.