Query Block & disappearing images

Hi, not sure if this is a bug or a mistake on my side: I have set up a Query Block with some content. All fine. But when I switched to ‘frontend rendering’ (to enable filter block) all images disappeared. And I haven’t found a way to make them show up. In the code there’s no image url present.

Hi @rotor,

Where are you loading the images from?

Hi @StrangeTech, thanks for asking : )
They are from an ACF repeater field. I just wanted to add this to my original post. But then I saw your question.

As you are loading them from ACF with front-end rendering, the following answer from @Araminta may be of use to you:

Effectively you need to ensure both the field group and the Cwicly setting are both enabled.

:bouquet: You helped me out – again!
Thanks a lot!

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