Query and Taxonomy query missing as source in dynamic Component property value


I’m not sure if this is a bug or a missing feature.

I try to make a component with two text properties (added to a Taxonomy query inside of a Query template in a Query) to work with dynamic values from the Taxonomy query:

Both text properties are set to advanced and thus are able to get dynamic content.

The problem ist, when I select dynamic content for the text properties of the component I can only pick WordPress or ACF as source:

In the plain Paragraph block (added for testing) I get more options which are missing in the component properties:

Environment info

  • WordPress version: 6.4.2
  • Cwicly Plugin version:

I just found out that it is working in a Repeater. I can pick the Repeater as source:

Hello @jan,

Mapping context within a Component that has to map to a Query context within the editor (and provide selections back to the parent component) does come with complications, which is why this wasn’t included in the first release of Components.

This is definitely something that will be addressed, but isn’t currently possible.

Thanks for your understanding.


Hi @Louis ,

thanks for the quick response. I will eagerly wait for this feature to come into components :wink: