Problems with ACF Link Field in Repeater Block

I have a field group set up with an acf link field in a repeater field. Two days ago in the Repeater Block of my template under Source I could choose ‘Source’ > ‘ACF Group’ > ‘ACF Field’ > ‘Link (or whatever it was… I can’t remember)’ Url / Target / Title.
As of today the last step (choosing the repeater subfield ‘link/target/title’) isn’t possible anymore. Can anybody confirm that?
Also I can’t choose Columns in the column block by clicking on the different column icons…
And if I leave the editor field with my mouse the whole center column disappears.

Hi @rotor,

Sorry to hear you’re experiencing trouble with this.

Have you set the data to ACF Repeater:

If yes, kindly provide more details and a screenshot of your setup, so I may try to reproduce it on my end.

Thank you in advance

Hi @Araminta
Thanks a lot for your quick help. I’m sorry to have posted this as bug. It’s not a bug. It was confusion on my side yesterday. Everything works as expected. & thanks for this great plugin. It never stops to amaze me.


Hello @rotor,

Thanks for letting us know, glad it’s sorted!
If there is anything else you need, please don’t hesitate to let us know.

Thanks for the kind words!
