Problem when working with Popover

Dear admin

I am using the “Interactive” feature of Popover. However, there is a minor issue as you can see in the video I sent you: every time I hover over the second submenu, the main menu disappears. This makes it difficult for the user experience. Is there any way to maintain the structure when hovering over multiple menu layers?

Link Video :

Thank you !

Hi @NHViet,

Thank you for bringing this up.

Indeed, this could be seen as a current limitation of the Popover block, we appreciate your feedback on it.

We definitely plan to work on making nested interactive Popovers work better together.

Moving this to confirmed bugs.

Dear Araminta

By using Cwicly’s popover block, we can create a mega menu from it. I hope your team will soon update the feature I just suggested. Only then can we create multi-level mega menus (> 2 levels).

Thank you !

@NHViet Louis hinted that Mega Menu block is coming in few weeks!

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