Post title input box loses focus after each typed character

** Cwicly Plugin version: **


Pretty often (10%-20% of the time), when editing post title in the corresponding editor top bar input box, focus is lost after typing one character, and I have to click inside input box to get the focus back. So it is completely unusable and I have to reload the page.

It seems totally random and I can’t find any way to reproduce it systematically.

(Tested with Chrome.)

I published a topic about this bug on September 22, and I had thought that it had been fixed since that time.

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Hi @yankiara and @weedor,

Indeed, I have experienced this but haven’t been able to reproduce it consistently. It might have to do with the Gutenberg hook we’re using to modify the title, so might need some modification from us there.

I’m aware of it and will try and get this fixed as soon as possible.

Thanks for your patience on this one.


No problem, it’s a very, very… minor issue. It happens quite rarely, and only when I’m creating a post, which isn’t a daily occurrence.


any fix on this? im still having this issue.

Hello @kris,

I appreciate you are experiencing this issue and apologise for the inconvenience.

Unfortunately, I no longer experience this issue and cannot reproduce it on my end. Some of our team members have experienced it lately without consistency (and very rarely).

Since your message implies consistent behaviour, I’d be grateful if you could let me know if there is some specific situation this occurs?

Thanks in advance.

Hi @Louis . It doesnt happen all the time. but sometimes it happens when im create a new post on a custom post type.

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I am also facing that problem, only when creating a Post inside a CPT. On Pages and on Posts it works fine on my end!


We’ve fixed the issue by changing the Post Title input box in 1.3.

Please let us know if you are still experiencing issues.

Best regards,

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