Post Content block primary tab is empty


When selecting a post content block, it is not showing any fields on the primary tab.

Previously it showed the Editor Max Width setting, which was not working due to the following bug:

Screenshots, screen recording, code snippet

Environment info

  • WordPress version: 6.6.2
  • Cwicly Plugin version: 1.4.3
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That was missing from the beginning of the UI rework (beta-1).

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Yes, I am just raising these as separate bugs now as we are attempting to migrate sites over to 1.4.3 and want to ensure any remaining issues are known and can be easily tracked.

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Hello @StrangeTech,

Thanks for the report.
This will be addressed in the next update.

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Confirmed fixed in Cwicly 1.4.4:

Thanks @Louis!


Thanks for confirming, @StrangeTech.

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