No Icons Listed in Library

Cant change Icon via Block > Primary > Icon when in editor

I should be provided a list / selection of icons, but I am forced to use the globe. Added to this, the globe does not render on front end.

action=edit > Block > Primary > Icon (please see attached image)


Environment info

  • Web server : nginx/1.22.1 (wpsubdir wpredis)
  • PHP version : 8.0.26
  • WordPress 6.1.1 Multisite Sub Directory
  • Gutenberg Plugin version: - N/A
  • Cwicly Plugin version: 1.2.9
  • Cwicly Theme version: 1.0.3

I have tried several browsers, same issue

The problem does not occur on single site install within same environment / vps

There are several cwicly plugin (only) resources being requested over http:// and are therefore being blocked.

Hi @wmonline,

Welcome to the community! :slight_smile:

Sorry to hear about this. This seems unusual as I have never experienced this on my end.

Could you possibly send temporary access to this installation so we can take a better look at what’s going on?

Thank you in advance.

Access details sent … thank you @Araminta

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The solution (if you have a reverse proxy involved) was to add some code to wp-config.php as per

Using a plugin like “SSL Insecure Content” wont solve these protocol issues.

wp-config.php must be updated with code provided in above link.

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