New section block container default CSS is not included in FSE editor (IGNORE, CACHE ISSUE)

Cwicly Plugin version:


In FSE editor (here editing the footer template), new section container CSS is not included (on the canvas you can clearly see that container doesn’t have auto margins):

It’s OK in post editor:

Everything is OK on frontend.

Hi @yankiara,

Sorry to hear you’re experiencing trouble with this.

Unfortunately I haven’t been able to reproduce this error on my end.

To investigate this further, I have created a demo instance.
Please log in with this, and see the Index template.

Feel free to change it to how you have set it up on your installation, to see if the error is reproducible.

Thank you in advance.

It is very strange, on my install, this default CSS (highlighted in red) is not generated in FSE like on your demo site:

I have emptied all caches, regenerated all Cwicly files…

Could it be because it is an upgrade and not a fresh install?

Hi @yankiara,

This is some strange behaviour as we use Gutenberg’s native function to import these styles in the Site Editor. These styles are not generated in Cwicly at any stage, and the same file is used on the frontend.
Have you emptied caches on your browser?

Hi @Louis, sorry, indeed it was a cache issue.

I switched my site to Litespeed Web ADC Load Balancer, but I had not installed LSCache plugin yet. So I guess some stuff had been cached at server level with no way to clean it. After setting up LSCache, I purged everything again and the default CSS is back to normal :slight_smile:

Sorry again for the panic mode!