Hello @yankiara,
Thanks for sharing your thoughts.
We took a look at a lot of different navigators out there - while also looking at the feedback left here and through our support help - and found out that the majority of them do not include quick actions.
Add to that the difficulty of displaying these quick actions when the navigator can be resized / very nested blocks, and you find yourself with the difficulties we encountered in the past Cwicly navigator.
Shortcuts are preferred in these circumstances (there is also ⌘X to remove blocks).
We might also be adding actions to the current indicators (links etc… to make them directly editable) which makes positioning quick actions (delete etc…) much harder.
Of course, nothing is set in stone, and we’re always happy to review this.
You might want to try Alt + clicking the block in the navigator (or global class/linked block class in the class list of a block)
Nothing much quicker than that, although the quick in Quick Code does not imply fast access as a primary function.
A screencast of the position not being remembered would be welcome, as I can’t reproduce it on my end.
The whole point of this new persistent mode for the Quick Code is being able to move between different elements in the editor without losing the currently edited element in Quick Code. The same applies to a Quick Code for a Global Class or a Linked block, I’m not quite sure I see what you’re pointing out like issue here. The Quick Code has never been linked to the currently selected block.
Also, it isn’t part of the navigator, it is part of the menu context, the context being the block, not the navigator.
Another shortcut for this is available: Alt + L
I’ll let other users respond to this if they choose to. We haven’t received this kind of feedback until now, and I’m always willing to revisit this if necessary, although I do believe these are essential.
You’ll also notice that attributes have been added.