Navigator Button Missing From UI

The navigator button is missing from the editor UI. The button should be at the top right, where it’s always been. I discovered this the hard way when I closed my navigator and couldn’t reopen it.

To reproduce, open the editor and look at the top right.

Environment info

  • WordPress version: 6.3.1
  • Cwicly Plugin version:

Hi @derekpadula,

The navigator button was moved to the Quick Inserter bar on the left side of the screen in a recent update in addition to improvements to the navigator UI and cleaning up the main toolbar.


Thanks. The staff can close this, or leave it up for other people who were as confused as I was and come here to find a solution.

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It would help to update the official documentation to reflect this change, thanks. What else is different that I should not rely on the official documentation for, this is not a good user experience. Thanks, Derekpadula.

@Drewcifer, I’m sure the Cwicly team will update the documentation as soon as possible.

It is important to acknowledge that UI changes like this one came as a direct result of changes made in the WordPress core / Gutenberg itself and therefore Cwicly being responsive in adapting based on the ever evolving nature of WordPress is clear evidence they are focused on creating a positive user experience.