Nav Menu Modal always visible when "show from" is set to 2xl (tailwind breakpoint)


I built a header template part with a cwicly nav block inside. When I set the “show from” option to 2xl (tailwind breakpoint) the nav menu modal is always expanded (thus visible) and pushes adjacent content down as if its position wasn’t fixed but static or relative. This happens not only on the specified 2xl breakpoint, but on all breakpoints. When I set the “show from” option to xl (or any other lower breakpoint) the nav menu modal stays collapsed as expected until the specified breakpoint and only then expands.

Step-by-step reproduction instructions:

  1. Enable tailwind, reset to tailwind breakpoints, regenerate HTML and (tailwind) styles
  2. Open the Post Editor/Site Editor
  3. Add a header template part
  4. Add a cwicly nav block
  5. Fill nav block with content
  6. Set “show from” option to 2xl
  7. Watch how the menu modal is expanded on every breakpoint (both in the editor and on the frontend)

Screenshots, screen recording, code snippet

Environment info

  • WordPress version: 6.6.1
  • Cwicly Plugin version:

Hello @marc,

Thanks for the report!

Just to say that I have added this to my check list and will be getting back to you on it as soon as possible.
I imagine this shouldn’t be hard to fix for the next Cwicly update.


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Thanks for taking care of it @Louis! Would be awesome to see this fixed in the next update.


Hello @marc,

Sorry for the time it has taken to address this.

If you have time, I would be grateful if you could take a look at 1.4.2-beta5 and see if that fixes the issue you were experiencing.
You might need to regenerate Global Styles CSS for this or access and make a save on the editor.


Hi @Louis, thanks for addressing the issue!

I tried to test this on a local duplicate of the site I showed in the screencast, but switching from cwicly to cwicly 1.4.2 beta5 yielded a critical error on the frontend for all pages. I can add the error message here if it’s interesting for you. From what I understand it may be due to the fact that ACF is missing (and thus also my associated CPTs).

I don’t have much time to fix this critical error, but I tested the beta5 on a fresh installation and there the nav menu modal bug was fixed, so it’s looking good, thanks :slight_smile:

I guess I’ll wait for the end of the beta phase and update cwicly to 1.4.2 to fix the nav menu modal bug on the production site.

EDIT: installing acf and regenerating all CPTs solved the critical error. I can confirm that the nav menu modal bug is resolved on my end :+1:


Hello @marc,

Great news!
Thank you for checking it, really appreciate it :slight_smile:

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Fixed in 1.4.2.

If you still experience trouble, please don’t hesitate to let me know by replying to this thread.