Multiple 'Previous Steps' History

We recently been building different projects with Cwicly, and for some reason, I’m noticing this issue, where if I go from one page to another page, and if I press the ‘Back’ button in the browser, it requires me to press multiple times in order to get back to the real ‘Previous’ page. I looked at the back button history and this is what it’s rendered:

Group 2786

To reproduce this, just simply go from one page to another and try to press back button on the browser.

This is happening to two of my latest projects, both of them are installed from clean WordPress environment.

Environment info

  • WordPress version: 6.2.2
  • Cwicly Plugin version:
  • Hosting: Cloudways Hosting - Digital Ocean

I tried this and it doesnt happen to my end

Hmm this is so weird on my end, couple of my installations are doing this and now I don’t know how to fix them.

Hello @lukelee,

Sorry to hear about this.

Could you possibly send me a link by private message or to so we can check this out?

Thanks in advance.

Hi @lukelee,

If I remember correctly, this was caused by another plugin and was fixed on your end.
If you still encounter trouble with this, please don’t hesitate to let me know by replying to this thread.


Hi @Louis ,

Yes, this is confirmed caused by JetFormBuilder plugin, and it’s been resolved. Thank you!