More control for Icons & Items in the Editor Header

I would like to hide certain Gutenberg Icons via Role Editor, like the List View :arrow_down:



We already have this inside Cwicly:

Preview in new tab is something to avoid anyway.



With Cwicly’s Global Settings button image, I don’t need this additional one (am I missing something?)
I never close this panel and the Cwicly Global Settings are available via the 3-dot menu too.



Serious question: Who uses this?

Block Inserter


Please allow me to get rid of this major accident.
Cwicly offers so many efficient solutions for this.



This only makes sense when using Gutenberg blocks, patterns, etc. which I never do.

On the other hand, we also need more granular options for the Cwicly UI to control :arrow_down:


For example, I think that the pseudo state menu has no place there.
I want to hide the Dynamic preview for some user roles.
Showing the Scaling option directly inside the header inside of a modal.
Some might prefer the Gutenberg preview icon, instead of the Cwicly’s one, etc.

I added some thoughts about that here as well.

I think there were some discussions about that in the past but can’t remember the exact details and I didn’t find any results via search.
It might even be the case that this isn’t even possible at all, due to Gutenberg (filter, etc.) limitations.


Exactly how I feel about this. Through role editor is a good idea, I want to see Cwicly UI ONLY, but that would let the client use the Gutenberg stuff only…

Nice feature request! Upvoted. You can hide them via css temporarily like I do.

I presume most of the Cwicly users would prefer that.
In addition, I’m convinced, if Cwicly could provide a standalone interface which gets completely rid of any GB stuff by replacing it with own solutions (a lot has been done already), it would attract tons of more users.

Custom solutions, like the Navigator, were always highly appreciated by the community.
Plus, no one is forced to use these. There is always the option to use the Gutenberg UI.

Too many avoid it because they (still) hate Gutenberg.
Cwicly probably could fix that by providing the necessary tools.
Using Cwicly, without getting confronted with Gutenberg at all (at least inside the editor itself) might be the secret formula.

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While I agree that it will be much better to have a full Cwicly solution, one of the biggest benefits that Cwicly currently offers by enhancing Gutenberg is supporting other 3rd party blocks.

Without this, if there was a feature currently missing from Cwicly, we would not have the capability to simply search for other block plugins to fill the gap until Cwicly adds the feature.

A perfect example being the ToC block:

So the main benefit of how it currently works is that Cwicly doesn’t have to be everything for all people, it already provides more on its own than most other builders and because of the above flexibility, it can continue to grow at its own pace.

By providing an isolated standalone experience, of course it needs to be ensured that all Gutenberg functionality finds its place in the Cwicly UI. It’s not about taking away stuff, it’s about replacing - and in best case extending them.
As mentioned above, the Navigator is a good example for it.

Of course, 3rd party plugins must remain to be supported in the interface (in most cases there are more ways to access them, not only via header icon), that should be clear.
I’m talking exclusively about the Gutenberg interface.

There is a simple reason why people stay away from Gutenberg. The only fundamental point I see is their weak UI/UX. And that kills it for vast majority.
Cwicly could make processes more intuitive and efficient.

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