Modal vh scale to correct mobile viewpoint changes

Found a fix:

Added this to the Nav CSS
.nav-c8c42d8[is-modal=true] .cc-nav-wrapper {
min-height: 100dvh;
max-height: 100dvh;

The problem:
The Nav mega menu modal displays at 100vh.
When viewing this on a mobile the modal isn’t allowing for an expanded address bar so content on the modal is cropped if it’s close to the bottom.

There is an article explaining the problem here:

Also this has what looks like a simple solution:

It would be good to have the modal accomodate this.

Hi @KeithH,

Thank you for bringing this to our attention, sorry for not responding sooner!

Rest assured, we have already internally discussed the need to accomodate the address bar on mobile.
So we definitely plan for this.

Moving to planned.

Hi @KeithH,

Once again, thank you for bringing this to our attention!

With, if dvh is supported, a 100dvh is added to the modal’s height.