Modal dont close on mobile

Hello, it might cause in some browsers on mobile devices that the modal is not closing.

Just letting you know if you could check it out.


Hello @petrbilek,

I’m sorry to hear that you’re having trouble with the modal block not closing on mobile devices.
Could you possibly let me know if this is happening with only the overlay as the close trigger or more specifically overlay + close button?

Thanks in advance.

Sorry I did not test it. Just knew it, someone mentioned it in my Twitter post. So I have turned it off.

I can remember that you temporarily misconfigured the modal block (or anything closely related to that) on your site, and it was indeed not possible to close the modal.
Checked it back then, was user error, which now seems to be fixed (for quite a while already).

Just in case you are referring to this.

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Sure, but that issue has been fixed.
I just let you know about the issue which has my visitors coming from mobile.

Nothing else :slight_smile:
Thanks for putting in your effort into this :100:

Hi @petrbilek,

I saw the comments about the popup on Twitter.
Would it be possible to have a test page of the popup so I can try to reproduce the error on my side?


Put it modal back. Showing after 40sec of inactivity once every 30 days.

Hi @petrbilek,

From what we can gather, it seems like a user error in the set up.

Could you possibly provide a temporary access to your installation so we can take a better look?
Thank you in advance.

Sent you an email :slight_smile: thank you

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Thank you for the access, @petrbilek :slight_smile:

I have made a few fixes that I detailed in my mail to you that should resolve this issue.

Please let me know if this is the case on your side.

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all works, nicely thanks

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