Missing fields in the gallery block

  • WordPress version: 6.6
  • Cwicly Plugin version: 1.4.4
  • I 'm usine Safari, and tested with Chrome

the fields for adding an image border are missing.

In the documentation:

And what I have today:

I did this one some time ago: https://www.ombres-et-lumieres.eu
If the style is there, the fields aren’t no more there

And today one: Site en cours de transformation

Hi @Ombres-et-lumieres,

As a workaround, you can use a relative style to achieve this:

Screenshot 2024-10-23 at 15.53.02

Hopefully this gives you what you need for now.

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Generally, I don’t use it because It was easier to add some css code where needed.

I tried and, finally, it worked, even for another gallery: I just had to make a relatively style 's copy.

So, with enthusiasm, I tried it for the query pagination bloc: I want to add a font size on it.

But, … it doesn’t wok, I suppose I missed something.

Capture d’écran 2024-11-06 à 17.44.27

Hi @Ombres-et-lumieres,

You should be able to remove the first rule and this should work. :+1: