Metabox Integration

This has been asked quite a few times by all of you and seems like a necessary feature. Adding this to the planned list.


Could we please get a rough ETA for this ?

Do we need this integration any more? I think ACF in the current state covers most needs. It can help for users who are heavily into Metabox but then there are tools which can convert all Metabox data to ACF.

Hi @Araminta. Like @dranzer I would be interested in the updated plan to unlock ACF from Cwicly and allow Metabox. Since initial commitment to supporting Metabox, ACF Pro is providing many of the features in Metabox: “ACF PRO includes extra fields & features to better develop websites including PHP Blocks, Repeatable Fields, Page Building tools, Media Galleries and Custom Options Pages”

I am a Metabox LTD Unlimited owner and having the option some day would be a “nice to have” BUT as Cwicly comes with an ACF integration/license out of the box (as part of the software) I just don´t see any importance over the Metabox integration. Are those two tools really that different?

Also it would be a better idea (for the next 1-2 years) to keep it ACF exclusive to ensure a certain “Cwicly-ACF” workflow to settle in the the community and tutorials → which can be crutial for adoption,…

ACF is integrated at the core and therefore is part of the plugin → we should embrace it rather than fight the Devs decitions. We literally don´t miss 99% of the features of Metabox as it is already shipped with ACF → especially since we can create post-types with ACF now.

Yes some day it might be nice to have a Metabox integration… but first we need WooCommerce, Forms, and many much more important features.

Hi everyone,

I’m also a Meta Box LTD licence owner and, to some degree, I do agree with some previous posts. ACF pro is indeed excellent for the most build cases, and I like it too.

However, when it comes to build more complex websites (e.g. directories, listings etc.) which can potentially grow (very)big, Meta Box with his lightweight approach and extensions gives us much more possibilities and power. To me, the most important and valuable one is by far MB Custom Table, and sometimes also MB Views and MB Blocks.

So, I would really like to see Meta Box fully supported with the option to turn ACF off, if needed. What I mean with “fully supported” is, integrated with dynamic data, queries, filtering & sorting, conditions etc., just like currently ACF is. And of course with support for the most important extensions, like MB Custom Table.
Honestly, would like to see it happen yesterday instead of tomorrow. :wink:

In my opinion, Cwicly with all of its unique tools and the fact, that it adds to the inbuilt wp solutions, instead of overriding them like others do, already is much better than other builders, including Oxygen and Bricks. What it would need at this point of its evolution, is completing the WooCommerce integration (currently Bricks has the edge here) and a better data storage solution than the native one (custom tables) for large websites.
By the way, for what the form plugins are concerned in this context, WS Form also supports working with data within MB Custom Tables.

Anyway, I think that such a combination would be really hard to beat, not only in “wp world”, but also for other cms known for their scalability (like Drupal). And finally, it would also increase selling points for the developers, which can’t hurt, right!? :smiling_face: