Masonry gallery displays all images on page load with all filter deactivated

Cwicly Plugin version:


Masonry gallery displays ALL images ON PAGE LOAD even if all filter is deactivated.

After clicking on a filter, everything is OK and only filtered images appear.


Hi @yankiara,

I’m not sure I would consider this a bug as the reasoning behind the toggle is to hide the label but not to hide all the galleries (as a user might want to see all the galleries and then filter them).

Perhaps we could add another toggle which would hide all galleries on page load, what do you think?

Thank you in advance.

Well, for me there’s no reason to display all galleries if we deactivate the all filter :wink:

What is the point to load all galleries if we can’t go back to all galleries with the filter?

I would be OK for a new toggle, though, but I can’t see any usecase where I would display all without the all filter.

Moving this to bugs as it needs to be addressed.

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Hi @yankiara,

This should be addressed in

Thanks for your patience.


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