Locally Hosted Font Does't Render Correctly

I purchased a premium font (Roxborough CF Regular Italic) from MyFonts.com.

I used the Cwicly Font Manager to load and activate the font.woff2 file.

When styling text with this font, the text just doesn’t render as it should and I can’t seem to figure out why.

Has anyone experienced anything similar?

Are there any additional steps I’m overlooking beyond loading and activating the font.woff2 file?

Any suggestions/guidance would be much appreciated!

Hi @webworx,

Sorry to hear you’re experiencing trouble with your custom font.

Do any errors appear in your browser console log when this happens?

To investigate this further, could you possibly send a temporary access to support@cwicly.com?
If yes, to ensure your privacy, kindly send the details using our paste website: https://paste.cwicly.com/

Thank you in advance.

Hi Araminta,

Okay, I will do as you have advised.

Note that I am running this site on Local (by Flywheel). However, as you probably are aware, there is support for remote access via a specially generated link.

I will send that link to - support@cwicly.com

Thanks again and kind regards,


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