Local Fonts error (Globals)

Applying a local font globally (body, HN’s, etc.), results in an error.
Does not occur when applying directly on block or local classes.

Uncaught ReferenceError: localFonts is not defined
    at index.js?ver=1.4.2-beta1:1:1245929
    at Array.forEach (<anonymous>)
    at S (index.js?ver=1.4.2-beta1:1:1243574)
    at index.js?ver=1.4.2-beta1:1:1228918
    at Array.forEach (<anonymous>)
    at index.js?ver=1.4.2-beta1:1:1228165
    at Array.forEach (<anonymous>)
    at v (index.js?ver=1.4.2-beta1:1:1227942)
    at index.js?ver=1.4.2-beta1:1:1195803
    at ri (react-dom.min.js?ver=18.3.1:2:93198)


Environment info

  • WordPress version: latest
  • Cwicly Plugin version: 1.4.2-beta1
  • LocalWP installation, so might be related

Hi @Louis
I have installed 1.4.2-beta on my existing Cwicly site, but I noticed the broken layout when I do so. I reverted to and the layout is back to normal again.

What do I have to do when I install the beta version? I wanted to try the beta version.

I regenerated everything from the setting, but the layout is still broken.

Environment info

  • WordPress version: 6.6
  • Cwicly Plugin version: 1.4.2-Beta

Hi @jornes, Which layout?

Perhaps a screenshot will help identify exactly what the problem is.

We did have this issue on one site with custom breakpoints, that causes the canvas to not work correctly, but you may be referring to something completely different:

Hi @StrangeTech


I have made a screencast. I hope it helps.

The screencast

Hey @jornes.

It seems like your stylesheets aren’t loading.
Can you check the console log? That should provide more specific info on what’s happening.

Hi @Marius

Here is the screencast.

I see these errors.

Hey @jornes, thanks for elaborating.

This has already been reported here:

So the local font is also affecting the entire styling on the other stuff, right?

Yes. Applying a local font from the Globals breaks your entire styles.
This bug was probably introduced with the beta, when fixing another related bug (see changelog).
If you want to try out the beta, I suggest you to set it up on a fresh installation, or somewhere no globally applied local fonts are used.

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Okay! I will test it in the fixed version in the next beta.

Hello @Marius,

Thanks for the report.

Indeed, this error was unfortunately introduced before the release and not tested for…
We’ve added the safeguard and will have a fix in the next update.

Hello @jornes,

Sorry about the inconvenience.
This issue was introduced in the beta and local fonts as @Marius explained.
We’ll have a fix for this in the next update.


Thank you @Louis

No problem. I will wait for the next beta.

I just installed the beta2, but it seems i don’t have the font family selector at all, despite being ticked on

and where can i find the font manager modal?

You’ll want to be editing the main breakpoint.

For the font manager → https://docs.cwicly.com/cwicly/font-manager

i see, thank you! glad it’s not a bug :wink:

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Thanks @Louis for the fixes!

It works well now.

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Can confirm, thanks!

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Thanks for confirming everyone!

Fixed in 1.4.2-beta2

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