Lightweight slider


I have noticed that Swiper.js is used by Cwicly for the slider block. It’s the most powerful and feature rich too. Can we have another slider element with a lightweight slider library? Not powerful but very basic for use cases like a simple rotating text slider.

Bricks builder have options for two slider libraries right now - swiper.js (144kb) and splide.js (30kb). Splide.js is a lightweight & modern slider library.

I suggest keeping the current slider as Swiper.js but also adding Splide.js as an option or may be replacing swiper with splide.js

Replacing the current slider is not an option, of course.
Not sure if Splide.js would be a right fit in case a 2nd slider will be considered.
It could be the sweet spot for quite a few use cases though.

But I do think there are plenty of block options missing currently.
Swiper.js is really powerful, but that comes at the cost of its size.

So, at least this code needs to find its way to Cwicly in a reasonable amount of block options.
Don’t get me wrong, it’s fine as it is. I just feel so much more would be possible.
The less code of a library is used, the more dead code mass is carried.

But I do share your point here @anon32808828.
I will have hard times as soon as I need a slider functionality for very basic use cases.
There is no way I can justify the current slider block for something simple like 3-4 testimonials.

At some point the general slider situation could be reviewed.
Not urgent at all, this can be picked up in a free moment.
Until then, why not collecting some more thoughts from the community?

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Yes. This is not an urgent request. Let’s see what feedback we get on this request. Meanwhile I am using few lines of js code for the basic text slider.

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I am a bit of a performance freak and that is the main reason I don’t like sliders and try to avoid them as much as possible. Of course, it is great if there is one in case you need it. But I also wish there was a very basic lightweight slider for text or testimonials because fully featured swiper.js feels overkill for me in this case. Not familiar with splide.js, but it seems ok from a first look.


I will also like to mention that Splide.js comes with better accessibility out of box. Infact one of the most accessible slider out there. Do read about their approach when you guys have time. Accessibility - Splide


Hi @anon32808828,

Thank you for the links.

Indeed, I won’t hide the fact that we have been figuring out which route to take for the Slider block, which is currently over-specced and performance wise questionable, the size doesn’t help either.

Splide.js is on our list as a replacement, and has come a long way since we first considered it. It was mainly the touch environment that seemed to suffer when we looked into it, which seems to be fixed.

Finally, there’s always the consideration we go with a custom built implementation so that it fits Cwicly’s needs best.

All in all, this is something that is being worked on seriously with the best possible outcome. Thanks for the suggestions!


@Louis Thanks for adding splide into the new dynamic slider. Will splide also come into the normal slider block?


Hi @anon32808828,

Still looking at the specifics, but this might require a deprecation/new Slider block depending on users’ use of the current Slider block unique properties.

I have to say, working with Splide is a joy for us in React/Gutenberg… And will be incredible to play with when our “animator” comes out.


Great news on the dynamic slider. Just in time as well, as I’ve been dragging my feet on a couple builds that need this.

Any documentation available?

EDIT: Never mind. Found the link in another thread!

Did you make any progress in the decision finding process?
Would love to hear an update.


Hello @Marius,

This is planned.
The last few months have been dedicated to bug fixes and backend enhancements meant for future additions.
I can understand that it feels like a lot fewer features have been appearing over the last months, but rest assured, we are working on all of this in the background.


Thanks for the update @Louis, that’s good news :tada:
Appreciate the explanation, but don’t feel you need to justify yourself.

I’m convinced that most of the users count themselves lucky that Cwicly exists and wait patiently for new features as we know you are everything but lazy.