Issue with visibility conditions in Woocommerce default templates


I’m having trouble setting visibility conditions for default Woocommerce templates. Whenever I try to set them, they don’t seem to work properly. They’re being saved but disappear right after

Hi @bapre, this is a known issue:

I recommend removing the visibility conditions for WooCommerce templates, technically they shouldn’t be needed in those cases anyway.

Hi @bapre,

Thank you for taking the time to report this!

I have been able to reproduce this issue on my end, and can confirm it is a bug.
Rest assured, we will investigate this further to see what the root cause may be.

While we are committed to finding a solution, I would like to point out that setting visibility conditions on default Woo templates isn’t recommended, as we cannot manage or ensure the correct application of visibility conditions for these templates.

Given this, I strongly advise against altering the default Woo templates, and instead, recommend creating a custom template where you can apply the necessary visibility conditions.

Thank you for your understanding, and apologies for the inconvenience.

Thank you for helping out, @StrangeTech!

However, these reports address separate issues.
The one you referenced concerns visibility conditions not applying correctly on the frontend, while this report focuses on the inability to add visibility conditions to the default templates.

Absolutely, I was simply highlighting the thread where you and I both recommend not using visibility conditions for the WooCommerce templates due to this not being optimal.

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@Araminta, as a follow up to this - we have noticed this issue occurs whenever there is an empty template. If the template has content the visibility conditions are correctly editable.

Thank you for pointing this out, @StrangeTech!

Unfortunately, I have only been able to reproduce this issue on default Woo templates.

To investigate further, I have set up a demo instance.
Please log in with this.

On your end, does this happen with any custom and/or default templates?

Thank you in advance.

Just created an instance from the provided link. Everything default. Only Cwicly plugin. Clicking to conditions eye icon, clicking plus icon, it appears for a moment, then disappears.

Hi there,

had the same issue as @StrangeTech today, but didn’t know of this and tryed to reproduce, but failed :thinking:

Will check it out if it occurs again.


Please try opening and editing the template first before setting the visibility condition.

I’ve noticed that certain templates, even if they are not empty need to be “touched” before the visibility conditions work.

Yes, I started working on it right away clicking to pen icon.

Added all the stuff, customized, published. But, page is empty on the front page.

I thought ok, where do I set the conditions? Not in the builder.

Aha, went back to templates, click to eye icon, discover this issue happens.

No idea :man_shrugging:

If it is a WooCommerce template, please see my note here:

It is also possible you may have overridden the template with visibility conditions on other templates in the Themer or by selecting a custom template from the page itself.

I recommend checking these points first.


Let me know how you get on.

Thank you for your patience on this, @bapre!

This should now be fixed with

Kindly let me know if this is the case on your end.

Thank you in advance.