Issue with 12 columns grid


I have a 12 columns grid but i can’t have anything in the last column…

Here is a link to the page : séjours organisés – Les Échappées Belles

Here is a screenshot:

Environment info

  • WordPress version: 6.4.2
  • Cwicly Plugin version:

Can you change the Column End to 13?

no i can’t, i have the error messages when i try to change @dazziebunz

Hi @pomilo,

Sorry to hear you’re experiencing trouble with this.

Although it seems you might have fixed this on your end (as I can see that it appears as expected on the frontend), could you possibly share a screenshot of the error message you get?

Thank you in advance.

@araminta, i’ve changed the grid for a 10 columns grid. And the error message is on the left bottom corner of my previous screenshot