Hey there! I am looking for a way to either disable the Gutenberg paragraph all together or set a default to always use the Cwicly paragraph block.
The issue is, when I paste content into my post or page it defaults to a long list of Gutenberg paragraph blocks which is a real pain to then go back in and change if I want to do any styling.
I do notice that when content is pasted, it defaults to the Gutenberg paragraph block unfortunately. We’ll try and have this addressed in the next couple of updates.
Unfortunately I don’t think this is working correctly I believe. I add a Cwicly Paragraph Block and paste two paragraphs in it but it automatically changes to two Standard Gutenberg paragraph blocks. I have the latest version of Cwicly. I assume it should remain a Cwicly Paragraph Block and automatically add a new Cwicly Paragraph Block for each additional paragraph I pasted in?