Interactions Properties and Attributes

From old feedback: Interactions Properties and Attributes | Cwicly

I know, it’s very early here and the interactions will become more powerful. But just 1-2 thoughts I had about it.

There already is an CSS property option. Why no remove or toggle property?

There also needs to be an dedicated section in the list addressing attributes.
It’s really important in terms of functionality and also accessibility, since you need to swap/toggle specific attributes on user interactions.

Being honest, interactions, for me, are pretty useless without the ability to control attributes.
As soon as something interactive is happening on a website I need to communicate that particular action in an accessible way.
It’s fun to play with but no option to implement in a real project at the moment.

There are some other use cases which would it make a really handy feature, also in prospect of scrolling interactions, but the accessibility part is a requirement.

Hopefully this will be considered.