InnerBlocks selection and display issues


We have experienced multiple issues with InnerBlocks, here is a quick summary:

  1. Using Shift+Select in the Navigator on blocks within a Component’s InnerBlocks causes the Component to fold up
  2. Editor bar displays multiple buttons when selecting nested components with InnerBlocks
  3. When nesting components with InnerBlocks, the blocks inside display cached old content after editing and switching focus

Step-by-step reproduction instructions:

Pleas see screenshot and screen recordings.

Screenshots, screen recording, code snippet

Editor bar has random button duplication:

Unable to Shift+Select blocks within InnerBlocks:

Cached content is shown when switching focus after editing blocks within InnerBlocks:

Environment info

  • WordPress version: 6.4.3
  • Cwicly Plugin version:

Hello @StrangeTech,

Thanks for this report.

Can you let me know if has addressed the issues you were experiencing here?

Thanks in advance.


Here is the current status as of

Regardless of modify mode or whether the target blocks are inside of an InnerBlocks, shift-select always immediately folds the component making it currently unusable within components.

This appears to be fully resolved.

This issue is still occurring with identical behaviour.

In addition, when testing these, I also found the following two issues:

  1. When copying a WP block (e.g. List block) from within an InnerBlocks in the navigator, you are not able to paste it using Cmd/Ctrl+V, only dragging it out works. This may be specific to blocks that hold other blocks, or may be specific to non-Cwicly blocks, we haven’t had time to fully test.

  2. When dragging a block out of an InnerBlocks onto the root level of a page, after it is dropped, any folded Div blocks on the same level automatically unfold. (We have enabled “Expand on Click” and “Expand all by default” in the navigator settings, we haven’t tested without these).
    Screenshot 2024-03-24 at 22.05.26

@Louis, just letting you know that this is still an issue with version

Hi @Louis, just making sure you have seen these messages. As they are client-facing and significantly affect usability for our clients.

Hi @Louis,

Just checking in regarding these issues.

The inability to select multiple blocks inside of the component is the biggest issue as it is significantly slowing down editing for our clients (moving blocks between components or copying blocks in and out of innerblocks has to be done one by one).

Thanks in advance for any help you may be able to provide.

@StrangeTech Looks like @Louis last logged in May 6. Do you think it’s time for panic mode yet?

There is no panic mode @james.

You either stay and risk everything or you take responsibility and move on.
What do you still expect? It’s over. That undoubtedly became clear after the dust settled.

Hundreds of bugs that won’t ever get addressed, we even have to mess with a vulnerable ACF version. How can you still trust?

The longer you wait, the worse it gets. Run.


@Louis has released one bug fix release per month for the last few months. While there are no guarantees of anything in life, we are continuing on the premise that there will be regular bug fix releases until we hear otherwise.

This I agree with, there is never a reason to panic, all we can do is get very focused and productive and proactively solve problems when we become aware of them.

While I understand the sentiment behind this, it is not as simple as that. When you have many sites that were already developed or nearly finished using Cwicly, you can’t just drop them all and it is not viable to just remake them in another technology all in one go.

Saying: “Sorry new clients, we have to pause working on your sites that are scheduled to be released in X weeks because we need to remake other sites that we’ve already made.”, would not be responsible.

The only responsible action in this case is to continue to maintain those sites for your clients while scheduling updates for when it is practical to do so.

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@Marius I understand the frustration, believe me; but there are those who are taking @Louis at his word that “security / bug fixes will continue indefinitely”; that is, until he breaks his word.

Being non-responsive for almost an entire month is indeed cause for concern; or, as I called it, “panic”. @StrangeTech articulated this predicament perfectly (directly above).

What any Cwicly user will tell you is that all we need or care about is for @Louis to be a man of his word, and prove the haters wrong. We don’t need new features; all we need is what you promised: Security / bug fixes in perpetuity.

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As mentioned, the security fix for ACF hasn’t been released yet.
It’s almost 2 weeks since ACF released their update.
They already broke their promises, so not sure what you are actually talking about.
You are currently using a tool with a known vulnerability and they just don’t care.

It’s the final nail in the coffin.

Just checking @Marius, are you referring to this one: ACF | ACF PRO 6.2.10 Security Release

I may not be correct but doesn’t this only affect ACF Blocks? In which case, only sites that directly use ACF blocks would be affected.

Any vulnerability is obviously not good, but one that can’t be exploited in certain conditions isn’t much of a concern for users that it doesn’t affect.

Again, I completely understand where you are coming from, none of us want to be in this position and it requires considerable additional work and attention, and all we can do is keep moving forward.

Thanks for adding your thoughts here @StrangeTech.

As soon as there is a chance that at least one installation could be affected, immediate action is required. How can one exclude this possibility?
There is absolutely no excuse when this isn’t fixed within 2-3 days.
Everyone knows that it would’ve been fixed within 24 hours if Cwicly was still alive.

Yes, it’s rather unlikely that someone is affected here. But that’s not the point at all. Security needs to be guaranteed (especially when the vulnerability was made public) and apparently, that’s not the case anymore.
There is no excuse and it’s a shame tbh.

How many more red flags do people require?
If one is still relying on Cwicly, the risk is known and if something bad is happening down the road, you can’t blame anyone but yourself.


Hi @JohnD,

When you can, please let us know about the status of this issue - it is the biggest client facing issue we have and any help you can provide to improve the client editing experience will be much appreciated.

Hi @StrangeTech,

Multiple block selection within a component comes with its own difficulties, but I understand the issue with editing flow.
I’ll forward this to @Louis and see if he can look into it.
Will keep you updated.

Best regards,

Very much appreciated, it will make a big difference.

Not to beat a proverbial dead horse, I am just following up on this as it is still one of the biggest usability issues for our clients.

We are really doing everything we can to make Cwicly more mainstream and overall our clients are getting a better editing experience because of it. Things like this really put a dent in the experience as editors are often confused why multiple select works in some cases and doesn’t in others.

We are doing what we can to make reusable, user friendly components that make a positive difference and the more components we create, the more this issue becomes a difficulty.

@Louis, please can you take a look when you have a moment.

Hello @StrangeTech,

Without going into too much detail, this requires a complete review of the logic for multiple block selection as InnerBlocks parents and items don’t really exist as entities (they are placeholders until you select them, mainly for performance reasons)… The multiple block selection Gutenberg provides just isn’t built for this type of architecture.

Are you still experiencing trouble with cached content?

That is unfortunate news. I will still hold onto some hope that there is a yet undiscovered clever way to make this work though. Wondering if it is possible that as soon as the InnerBlocks block is selected / opened, you can temporarily render its contents as real blocks, so selection will work?

Yes, last time I checked, this is still happening.

@Louis, This is also still happening.